Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chair Ergonomics Calculator

This is an ergonics calculator that i found through google search. The calculator takes your height and works out the most comfortable heights and distances you should have while on your office chair facing a desk. This will help me find a balance between most heights through finding measurements for a variety of heights.

Flexiable love chair

This Chair like the one below is also eco-friendly and made of card board with wooden outer side. This chair is extremely stretchable and adjustable my shape and length. The design allow the char to be warped and pulled in different direction, it can also fold up t avery small size. This char is extremely unique and strong due to the denseness of the cardboard being used, and is actually beinging sold in the market to day.

Eco Chair

This is a video i found of an interesting char design it is mad entirely of cardboard, and can change length due to its expanding and retracting nature. the chair for obvious reasons is very eco-friendly, which is appropriate considering the stat of our environment nowadays. In addition to this the chair is surprisingly strong and durable and can easy hold the weight of a few people. the design due to being cardboard is however not very durable outside with moisture. the raw material mixed withe white makes a minimalistic yet appealing aesthetic look.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Chair design guidlines and fundimentals

My design focus

Exceptional Aesthetic Chair Design

Interesting / good pool chair designs

Pool chair by definition:
a light chair like a folding bed, which you can sit or lie on outside

For an out door pool chair there are certain aspects on which most of your design efforts should be focused on. A pool chair is in a lying down orientation there for the ergonomics of that position should b typically e carful considered whilst working out measurement. Like a bench a pool chair needs to be very duriable to the elements that come with the out doors (rain , sun decay etc) for this the right materials have to be used. As well as this the chairs are in an environment of entertainment and luxury therefore should look beautiful and sculptural to fit with its environment.

Interesting / good stool designs

Stool by definition: a simple seat without a back or arms

Stool design is perhaps the most simple form of chair design, where the least amount of feature need to be explored during the design process. The height of the stool is dictated by the height of the counter or area it has been placed, therefore hight can vary, perhaps a adjustable height is something that should be considered. the need for back support on a stool is minimum and unnecessary as long lengths of seating are not typical. ergonomics too, is something not of extremely high importance again due to the duration of time spent on stools. A good stool design fits into its environment and is sculpturally fitted with the environment around it/

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Interesting/ good, bench design

Bench chair by definition :
a long seat for more than one person

Interesting/ good, office chair designs

Office Chair By Definition :
An office chair, or desk chair, is a type of chair that is designed for use at a desk in an office. It is generally comfortable and adjustable and can swivel 360 degrees.

Interesting / good couch design

Couch/Sofa by definition : an upholstered seat for more than one person

Chair Ergonomics- Diagrames and measurments

Key Ergonimic Area For Consideration
This diagram displays the area that are most key for a comfatable seet and approxamitly how they should be placed in relation to the chair.
The Chair Ergonomics Calculator

Chair ergonmics

This is an interesting video i found on the advantages of certain ergonics on chair, and how they can effect you and your enviroment. These ergonomics are an aspect to m design that i will have to take in to some consideration.

The video streaming source for this clip was : youtube.com

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brief Chair History And Definition

The simple definition of s a movable seat, with a back, for a single person gives no indication of the truly vast range of objects that qualify under this description. Furthermore, few people today are aware of the fact that for much of its history and chairs go back through classical times to the time of the pharaohs the chair was reserved for kings, lords, and bishops; ordinary folk sat on backless chests, benches, or stools.

The word chair derives from the Latin cathedra, hence the designation of a church that was the seat of a bishop as a cathedral. Medieval chairs, religious or secular, were large framed affairs often with linenfold panels, and frequently provided with a canopy or tester, typically placed on a dais to further emphasize the importance of the occupant.

During the 18th century, before furniture production passed largely into the hands of factories, chairs were made with more curves than before, a process that required considerable material, since curved sections typically legs and backs were usually sawn out of the solid. The progress from straight and sometimes turned legs to shapes such as the cabriole and the klismos, and the development of designs not requiring stretchers, but relying instead on techniques such as knee blocks, corner blocks, and wider tenons in substantial rails, can be followed as a logical timeline up to the point where commercial pressures for continual innovation resulted in the riot of revival styles that characterizes the 19th century.

Reference: http://www.finewoodworking.com/PlansAndProjects/PlansAndProjectsAllAbout.aspx?id=3042